The interior design trends you’ll be loving in 2019

Want to get in early and find out the latest design trends expected in 2019? We've got you covered.

Here’s our top 5:

Light, crisp and an all time favourite for bedding and furniture covering, we’re happy to say linen will be sticking around for another year in 2019.

We saw velvet make a come back in fashion last year before it slowly started becoming more and more popular in home design. The velvet trend isn’t going anywhere just yet, if anything it’s only just beginning. We can expect to see chic velvet statement pieces becoming crowd favourites in 2019, adding a touch of 1950’s retro glam to modern homes.

While the digital world keeps making waves, and we continue to become more and more dependent on technology, we will start to see a change in the design of our homes reflecting cravings to return to simplicity, reconnecting with nature and adopting a minimalist style in the attempt to declutter our homes as much as our minds from all the noise. Following the minimalist movement, handmade and organic textiles, plants and natural products will see a come back to homes in 2019. Not only will this movement have a powerful visual impact, it’s a good detox for the mind and your bank account!

Millennial pink was the star of 2017 design, although the trend is slowly dissipating we can still expect to see pale pinks being used for accessories rather than for expensive statement pieces or fixed installations.

The copper trend is dying down and brass is the current on trend metallic. Silver lovers can rejoice as we are expecting a return of silver metallics in 2019.

If you’re ready to jump into these new trends you might want to consider doing any home renovations first. Renovating your home could increase the value of your home and to help pay for your trendy new furniture!


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